Artemis Investment Advantage

Acquiring Assets

Our main competitive advantage is our process for finding and evaluating properties based on the buying criteria that the properties contain between 80 and 120 units, and that they be within a one-mile radius of major centers of commerce/demand generators (malls, university, military, corporate, SMREF markets, etc). We focus on acquisitions of complex, operationally intensive businesses and strive to unlock "hidden value" by re-envisioning and repositioning these enterprises through targeted capital expenditures, improved operational efficiencies, and enhanced marketing strategies.

Hands-on Method

We employ a hands-on method of managing and improving our investments. We directly supervise and perform in-house key operational functions of our businesses. We play roles in operations, finance and development in order to supplement management’s existing resources. Working with each management team our strategy involves four-critical elements: (i) expanding each enterprise by enhancing the existing revenue base; (ii) creating new business opportunities; (iii) improving operating efficiencies; and (iv) optimizing the value of associated real estate.

Unique Selling Position

AHG’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is deep and multifaceted. AHG has developed a number of key relationships including those with brands, management companies, and other developers within our field. We believe the brand relationship is one of the most important relationships to maintain due to the nature of competition within the marketplace for institutional grade brands in dense markets.  

AHG has extensive experience structuring the capital stack, debt placement, and an expertise knowing what financial institutions require.  Lastly, AHG has a full service hospitality approach which includes property management, operations, and sales.

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